Monday, December 2, 2013

Magazine Beads

Magazine Beads
Ages: 10 and up
Parental supervision recommended
Difficulty: * * * * *
Time: 1 ½ hours hands-on; drying overnight

This craft is hands-on bead-making from old magazines; the beads can be used to make necklaces, bracelets, or earrings. Below are a list of materials and directions on how to make magazine beads!  You may need a parent or guardian to help you with the sticky stuff.

Materials Needed (located at your favorite craft store):
  • 3-5 leftover glossy magazines with colorful pictures
  • Ruler
  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Modge Podge (or a 50/50 mixture of glue and water)
  • Skinny wooden rod (like a chop stick)

How-to Steps:
  1. Spend time searching for the brightest pictures in the magazines.
  2. Use the ruler to measure a six-inch tall skinny triangle with a 1-inch base over a colorful picture; cut it out; repeat until you have 10-20 skinny triangle strips, or however many you need for your project.
  3. Starting at the wide part, roll one triangle tightly around the wooden rod, gluing the end you start with and the last point; repeat with all strips/triangles. You may have to hold the end for a few seconds to get it to stay.
  4. Paint Modge Podge lightly over each bead and let dry over night.
  5. Remove beads from rod and enjoy! String from rope or use your imagination!

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